
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Ex-People Can Fly devs, The Astronauts, target PC for first game

In an Edge interview, ex-PCF devs The Astronauts have revealed they’re working on a PC-only release for the time being, with co-founder Adrian Chmielarz saying, “I doubt that the current generation of consoles is going to be able to handle what we’re doing. [...] The plan at the moment is for it to be released on PC first, and then we’ll see.”
All the information we’d had previously on The Astronauts’ first game is that it wouldn’t be a mobile game or a shooter. That latter point probably came as a blow to fans of People Can Fly – the devs’ previous employers, and makers of the rather awesome Bulletstorm. A blow which no doubt lands even harder with the knowledge that Bulletstorm won’t be getting a sequel.
Instead, the devs first release will be quite apart from the frantic, bloody fare we’ve come to expect from PCF – but exactly what remains a mystery. The Astronauts promise a reveal later this year, however, and a release in the next.
“We’re not going to be replicating what we’ve been doing at People Can Fly but on a smaller scale; we’re going after a completely different market,” says Chmielarz, who was creative director at People Can Fly, leaving in June to found The Astronauts with colleagues Andrzej Poznanski and Michal Kosieradzki.
Masters of the man-shoot though they are, it’s hard to regret a change of genres when it comes with such an enthusiastic commitment to PC gaming: “We think we can create worlds that look really beautiful, and for that we need fairly advanced technology, so we’re starting on PC,” says Chmielarz, though he admits a desire to get the game on the next generation of consoles, whenever (and if!) they ever emerge.
Still, it’s good to see more devs, like Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts, remove the console millstone and take PC gaming back to where it should be – at the very bleeding edge.

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