
Thursday 29 March 2012

SimCity multiplayer preview First details on leaderboards, world resources, the global market and how you can collaborate or compete

The new SimCity will have multiplayer. In a media event held at Maxis’ studio in Emeryville, California GamesRadar got a chance to see a demonstration of an early build of the game. With a release date set for some time in 2013, we got a broad stroke picture of what Maxis has in mind.

It sounds like an interesting system, one that will be both cooperative and or competitive depending on who you play with and how you play. In multiplayer, your city will be one of several cities in a region. Although it’s not clear how many players will be able to build a city in each region, the demo we saw featured three players.

As the cities grow and develop, players can link cities in a region together. There are also plans for the option to chat with neighboring players and make arrangements to share resources, like power in exchange for water.
Above: Concept art of a region with two cities linked by a bridge
Multiplayer will also include leaderboards, world resources, and a global market for trade. The leaderboards will track your performance in all kinds of areas, keeping tabs on things like the wealthiest city, the greenest city, or the most coal produced. Let's say you have a city that specializes in coal production. As you produce more coal and buy or sell that coal on the global market, it’ll have an impact on the value of coal for everyone else.

It all seems designed to steer players toward the collaborative path. Specialize in one area and you may find that you may need help with another aspect of your city. Cooperation sounds like the best way for two players specializing in different areas to maximize their efforts in reaching their goals. But then again, it’s also quite possible that exact opposite might happen. What if you hate your neighbor? What if some coal crazy baron below you is mucking up the green and energy efficient utopia you’re trying to build? What if you decide to destroy the pipes connecting your cities to deny him the clean water you’ve been providing him? And what if you just want to forget about wealth and all that sweet, sweet coal - and aim to be number one on the leaderboard for homeless Sims instead?

With the final launch date for the new SimCity set for 2013, these are just the first and most general details on how multiplayer will work. Still, the concept is very impressive. With the way that the leaderboards and global market are connected while connecting you with every other player both in and outside of your region, it sounds like SimCity’s multiplayer will make the city-builder sim more of a world simulation.

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